Hi Non-Profits!

We can help you achieve sustainable, long-term impact and break free from the non-profit starvation cycle.

Resource constrained organizations will often focus on immediate needs instead of long-term goals. They end up operating in survival mode and pause sustainable or truly strategic planning. Any funds that do come in, go to survival expenses, or projects hoping to attract new donors.

Bringing in strategy resources relieves pressure from leadership to think, plan and act long term. We help you see things that are hard to see under pressure from the inside.

If you would like to discuss how we can help, let's talk.

For Foundations

Several years ago a foundation hired us to help a non-profit that needed strategy and leadership resources to be sustainable, and not merely live from one project funding push to the next.

Our first priority was to clean up the non-profit’s brand. We developed a powerful and focused story, clarified their messaging across all channels and refreshed their identity. Within two months, they attracted new donors and doubled their end of year donations with no additional campaigns. The following year their giving grew over 40%.

The foundation effectively multiplied the impact of their giving by investing “strategy capital” in resources a non-profit could not otherwise afford. Since then, we expanded our vision to bring high quality strategy resources into organizations that are transforming lives.

Let us know if we can help an organization you believe in.

Design Impacts Growth
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To find out how
we can help you,
let’s talk